​​​Phone: 1.207.751.3513

Email:  fra.branch.182@gmail.com



"Hospitals, Welfare and



"Membership and Retention"

D. Keith Kaider

Thomas M. Rauch


Paul R. Gunther

"Public Relations"

Randy L Phillipp


"American and Patriotism"

Thomas M. Rauch

"Triangle Branch 182 Chaplain"

Triangle Branch 182 was chartered On May 19, 1955 and was originally located at National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda now known as Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.  We now reside in Rockville, MD and meet at the American Legion Post 86.  Our Branch is part of the East Coast Region that consists of Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. The Branch/Unit are also members of the Central Liaison Committee that consists of local East Coast Region Branches/Units.  Click on the video to the right for more information about our Branch. 

We have about 100 members and operating under Article 12, Section 1216(a) of the FRA Constitution and Bylaws. Which are Branches whose membership is below 300 members and have an branch president and four directors for the subsequent Association years.  Our Branch petitioned to the Regional President for permission to operate under Article 12, Section 1216(a) and approved at the 2017 East Coast Regional Convention.  We hope to operate under full strength some time in the future, but we will need an increase in membership. 

Below are our elected or appointed Branch Officers and Committee Chairmen.    

D. Keith Kaider

D. Keith Kaider

Jr. Past President

"Triangle Branch 182 Officers"

Paul R. Gunther

Thomas M. Rauch

"Triangle Branch 182 Board of Directors"

"About Triangle Branch 182"

Mark Allen

"Youth Activities"

"Triangle Branch 182 Committee Chairman"

Randy L Phillipp

Paul R. Gunther

"Triangle Branch 182 Legal"

D. Keith Kaider

 "The Preamble to the Constitution of

the Fleet Reserve Association"

"With reverence for God and country, and being ever mindful of the glorious

traditions of the United States Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard;

Our Duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
Our Responsibility to aid in maintaining adequate defense for our beloved country;
Our Desire to assist in obtaining the best type of personnel for our Sea Services;
Our Interest in the welfare of those who served and are now serving;
Our Devotion to our shipmates in good fortune or distress;
Our Reverence for the memory of our departed shipmates;

We associate ourselves together and declare this to be 

the Preamble to the Constitution of the Fleet Reserve Association.”